Journey Through Phases

We experience phases everywhere in life. The moon has phases, life has phases, seasons are phases … and the list goes on.   

We are now into our second year living on the road and it has felt like a journey through many wonderful phases, each a new beginning within this larger phase of life.

Surprisingly to me, the toughest thing about living everywhere and nowhere is deciding where to go next. Everytime we leave a place we have not yet seen or done everything we would like to but get a feeling it’s time to move on. Maybe we will return someday. 

There is a peacefulness of returning to a place we have been before and are familiar with. But of course there is an excitement to discover and explore new locations as well. The key may be a comfortable balance of both, with no judgment on ourselves as we cycle through. 

So far our journey has had over arching phases that point us in a direction.  Looking back the phases align closely with the Taoist Five Seasons: Spring, Summer, Late Summer, Fall and Winter. With this new awareness I’m looking forward to watching how as we transition into each for the second time what themes arise with each season and phase of our journey.   

Transition phase (June 2021)

The first month of June was like a transition period of getting used to living in the RV, booking campgrounds and just finding our new routines.  We weren’t quite yet enjoying this new life, still preparing for the phases to come. 

First spot at Lake Mead

Summer vacation phase (July – Sept 2021)

As the Summer solstice arrived we began discovering new places in the North West. During this summer phase we moved a lot and it felt like a vacation time period. Lots of swimming, water falls, ocean beaches, breweries, wineries and eclectic restaurant locations. 

Kayaking in Friend’s Landing
Playing in the Washington Coast ocean

Reconnecting to Vegas (Oct – Dec 2021)

Fall season began in the PNW in the mountains, trees and rivers. And the rain! We quickly realized we wanted to be back to the desert to dry out before we started growing mold on ourselves. The Fastest drive we ever made was through California from Mt. Shasta to Desert Hot Springs toward the end of October.  

We spent the rest of the fall back in the desert in a phase of reconnecting with friends in the Vegas area.  We had really never gone that far from Vegas yet, like we had a tether attaching us to it and we could only go away so far during these beginning phases. 

Full moon in Desert Hot Springs
Arizona desert

Let’s Boondock (Jan 2021 – Mar 2022)

Next was the phase of re-organizing and learning how and where to boondock during the Winter.  This phase was all about learning how to boondock efficiently and get any gear we needed like solar panels and more batteries.  It was also a time to move past some fears and into more freedom that boondocking provides. Our minds were opened to a whole new way of living as we saw and met many people from all different areas of life living off grid in the desert all winter long, collaborating and co-creating communities. 

Our first Boondocking spot in Lake Havasu, AZ
The Lit Cactus gathering in La Posa South, Quartzite, AZ
Boondocking view in Quartzite, AZ

Traveling East (April – May 2022)

As spring arrived it was time for the next phase, traveling East, away from the imaginary tether to Vegas.  We continued on in this phase of travel into the North East and up to Canada, pushing past the fears of traveling with the trailer such long distances over highways with way more traffic, small roads and tons of potholes. 

In the forest of Hot Springs, Arkansas
Cadillac Ranch, Texas on Route 66
Great Smokey National Park, North Carolina

Living in the Maritimes (June – mid Aug 2022)

During summer we settled into the maritimes and had the opportunity to live there once again after 10 years away. This phase also provided time to visit childhood locations and for Mike to get to know my parents and meet a ton of my family and friends.  

Summerside, PEI
Sackville Waterfowl Park, Sackville, NB
View from my Mom’s house, Dorchester, NB

On our way West  (mid Aug – mid Sept)

Now into late Summer season we are on our way back to the South West for the fall and winter. We are taking this time to relax and enjoy the North Carolina mountains with all their beauty of lush green and water everywhere! Then a quick trip across country to spend the rest of September in New Mexico and attending the Tribal Vision Festival in Sante Fe for Mike’s birthday. 

Appalachian Mountains, North Carolina
Montezuma Hot Springs, New Mexico

New home (Oct – Nov) 

The fall will be a phase of redefining our living space as we shop for a motorhome to replace Dharma with. This will be a large undertaking but if all aligned will be completed in time to drive south into Arizona area for the winter months. This feels a little similar to last Fall season when we reconnected with Vegas and prepared for the winter to come. Fall feels like a time to prepare for the next phase or new beginning.

But what will the winter phase bring? Each phase has only really been shown to us just before it began, so patience and trust is required to keep stepping forward, one step at a time, living within the phases of the seasons and the moon.

Lots to look forward to for September and October!  Who knows what winter will bring, but I’m sure it will be exactly what we need as it always is. So grateful!

What phases do you recognize in your life? What phase are you in now? Do you know what is next for you yet? 

We would love to hear more about your phases in the comments below.

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