August Highlights at the Ranch

August was hands-down the busiest month we’ve had on the ranch this summer! We started with guests visiting for the first two weeks, with a few more dropping by sporadically throughout the rest of the month. We capped it all off with a major corporate event for the owner’s company, which took place partly in Buena Vista and culminated in a full day and evening celebration right here at the ranch.

With guests around, we were fully engaged with daily meal services, and I even got to help out with trail rides. My personal highlight was assisting one of the guest’s kids who’s clearly passionate about horses. She was eager to learn and incredibly helpful around the barn, feeding and sweeping up. A young girl with a true love for horses!

Guests out on trail ride

Another exciting discovery this month was stumbling upon some giant puffball mushrooms. After learning they were edible, we decided to try them out. When fried up, they turned out to be even better than tofu or portobello mushrooms as a meat substitute. With their tender texture and protein content, they made a perfect addition to our meals. I cooked and froze a lot since they only last in the fridge for 5 to 7 days, but unfortunately, we didn’t enjoy them as much after freezing. Lesson learned: we’ll savor them fresh next season!

Giant Puffball mushrooms in hay field
Pan fried puff ball mushrooms

August also saw a lot of outdoor recreation. Mike went mountain biking on the Interlaken Trail near Twin Lakes. He enjoyed the moderate, flowing trail that ended near some old historical buildings. The area was close to where the Twin Lake fire occurred back in June, but it was wonderfully preserved thanks to the skilled and dedicated firefighters.

Twin Lakes
One of the Interlaken Historic buildings

Mike and Milo also had some fun paddleboarding on the ranch’s big pond. While they were out, the ranch owner came down to work his hunting dogs and couldn’t help but admire the view of Milo out on the paddleboard. Meanwhile, I enjoyed a beautiful summer day relaxing—reading in the hammock and cross-stitching in our tent. The August hummingbirds were abundant, providing endless entertainment as I soaked up the peaceful atmosphere.

At the pond
Milo looking cool on the paddleboard

The big corporate event turned out to be a long but rewarding day. After a late night helping out for the dinner at The Terrace on Main, we had a flawless event with no wind or rain—a true miracle! Guests enjoyed hiking, clay shooting, and fishing with guides. Mike led the shooting event, completely in his element as he guided the guests with safety and direction to ensure everyone had a fantastic experience. The day concluded with a buffet dinner prepared by the ranch chef, two outdoor bars, and a terrific local band. We managed all the food service and cleanup, which lasted until midnight. It was a fantastic experience but definitely something we’re glad only happens once a season.

Corporate event set up
Clay Shooting at the 5 Stand

The day after the corporate event, I drove to Denver in preparation for a flight to Asheville, NC, to visit friends. On the way through BV, traffic came to a halt as three deer leisurely crossed the road and made their way into the park. I was also delighted to see my first moose on Kenosha Pass as I neared Denver—a perfect ending to an eventful day!

Deer crossing in Buena Vista
Moose at Kenosha Pass

To wrap up the month, Mike got out for some rafting with the ranch manager and a few friends. They had an exhilarating day on the river, enjoying every minute.

Rafting with friends at Browns Canyon on the Arkansas

As I sit here writing this blog post, we have only two days left before we leave the ranch until next season. It’s a bittersweet feeling. We’re looking forward to new adventures and exploring new locations, but we’ll miss this beautiful land, the horses, and the wonderful people we’ve met and become friends with. Stay tuned for more scenery and exciting experiences to come!

The golden colors of the ranch in September

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