Friend’s Landing

It was a sunny Sunday afternoon in August when we took the turn off the country road outside of Montesano, WA following the sign to Friend’s Landing RV Park

Now one would think an RV Park can fit RVs, which are large, but as we are going down this narrow gravel road with its sharp angled turns we began to wonder if this was safe.  We got to the opening of the park and stopped abruptly, “Is this the right place? If we go further are we going to get stuck?”. 

The energy in the truck was very apprehensive with a tint of fear, but onward we went and we were rewarded for our bravery.

I chose Friend’s Landing like I chose most places our first summer, by its name and its proximity to water.  With a name like Friend’s Landing we are bound to make some new friends was my theory.  And indeed we did, but not the type I had in mind. 

Friend’s Landing is 152 acres situated in between Lake Quigg and the Chehalis River. 

The Chehalis River comes in from Grey’s Harbor and has significant tides. It had been a long time since I’d seen tides like this and it was a comforting feeling to see the waters rise and fall throughout the day.  It had a boat launch and several docks to walk out over the water for better views of the salmon and sturgeon migrating.

Chehalis River

Around Lake Quigg is a paved walking path to be enjoyed by all and even wheelchair accessible.  The path went through large mossy trees, wooden bridges, swampy areas and a grass field. A full 2 mile loop could be made from our campsite which was #1 of 18.

Lake Quigg

We were here for 5 nights in August and the weather was perfect! August is known for the Perseid meteor shower and I was delighted to have a wide open sky at our campsite during the new moon.  Laying back in our zero gravity chairs was the perfecting viewing point for several shooting stars! 

Taking advantage of this forest location for the new moon, I found a lovely cove in the forest just behind our campsite to arrange a blanket, some candles, crystals, oracle cards and incense.  The area reminded me of a forest fort I would have enjoyed as a kid, with an entrance of tree limbs entangled forming a dome tree cave. We spent a magical evening in that tree cave honoring the moons new cycle and the beginning of a new month.

Tree Cave by campsite

The next morning I decided the tree cave was such a perfect place that I would bring a blanket, my oracle cards and journal to meditate there.  It felt cozy and homey lying beneath the canopy of tree leaves.  On the blanket in the same location as the night before, I meditated laying on my back for several minutes. The sound of the leaves rustling above me was magical and I was in a blissful, peaceful, state, only being brought back to the forest as a few leaves fell down onto me from the sky once in a while. 

When finished I remained relaxed, opening my eyes slowly to look up at the sun shining through the trees in such a beautiful way. Then all of a sudden I felt something on my crotch, at first thinking it was a leaf falling like others had, but then looking down to see the face of a snake looking at me from my pubic area!! 

I immediately jumped up in a panic, running for my life is how I felt in that moment. Went from peaceful bliss to sheer panic in less than a blink of an eye! I ran out of the forest toward the campsite and was scared to look back!  

I can still feel the slithering snake on my pubic area through the thin silky jumpsuit I was wearing that day. In hindsight, and after calming down, the face of it looked like it was smiling at me as it stuck out its tongue. I wish I could have calmly stayed and said hi to this serpent, giving it my gratitude for blessing me with its presence.  It was brave and determined to cross over the foreign blanket and approach a human, and I ran from it, throwing it into the air as I did. So inconsiderate us fearful humans can be at times.

I now feel like the harmless snake visiting with me was a sign from the universe of my spirit waking up and my reaction a lesson in how our fears can rob us of opportunities to experience the special moments in life. 

During our short time at Friend’s Landing we both took full advantage of the beautiful forest paths and water.  From kayaking on the glass lake in the morning, biking through the forest paths, walking and picking blackberries by the river.  There were some giant trees by the river that really called to me and I visited with them many times. 

One particular walk was special as I stopped to touch a specific tree I felt its connection to all the other trees in the forest areas and my connection to them. Intensely I felt the fear and frustration of thousands of old important trees in the forests throughout Washington and beyond that were burning and would be nevermore. So much is lost when a forest burns, the wisdom of trees and the sanctuary for all of life’s creatures disappears, leaving a black charred barren mess. 

It will be centuries if ever that life is fully restored to the areas destroyed by usually human carelessness.  New life will return slowly, and the cycle will continue, but not fully restored for several lifetimes. 

Walking path
Kayaking on Lake Quigg

So much nature was seen, appreciated and felt at Friend’s Landing.

A bird’s nest fell in my path, which I picked up, inspected it in awe, then returned to the tree in hopes it was still useful for the bird who spent days building it with such amazing skills. 

Little fishies visited me as I walked into the river, at first startling me I stepped out, but then realizing they meant me no harm and were there to say hi, providing a unique sensation I’d never felt before as thousands joined in and nibbled on my toes and feet. It was truly the most joyous pedicure a camping girl could have. 

Definitely many lifelong friends were made at Friend’s Landing!

Birds, trees, snakes, stars and fish all became close friends, neighbors and allies. I’m forever grateful for their companionship.

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2 Responses

  1. Line Robichaud says:

    Wow! Friend’s Landing sounds like such an amazing experience. And such wonderful friends you made… I love the pictures, i feel like i was there too when looking at them.

    • bytanya says:

      Thank you! It is great to hear you felt you were there meeting our new friends too!