The Elements

Rain and water are the enemy of trailers! 

Sitting in the trailer listening to the rain on the roof is a relaxing, mesmerizing moment, but can be ruined by the fear of leaks! Spending months last summer and fall in the Pacific North West showed us how when things get wet they may never dry out! At least not until you get back to the desert!

I truly love both… the dry heat of the desert and the wet greenery on the coast. Faery forests with vines, moss and old wise trees are my favorite spots, add in a creek and I’m in heaven. 

But oh, the red rocks formations in the desert, and the feel of the hot sun! Not to mention the sunrises and sunsets are seen almost every night in the desert sky. 

I really cannot choose one over the other. Summers of course are best in the north and Winters best in the southern deserts.  Humidity is not my favorite anytime, but what it brings alive in the forests is worth it. 

I never noticed until recently that after a rain the squirrels come out in abundance! The last few rains have brought them out at a couple different locations.  Seeing 8 or more at a time in one space, challenging each other and chasing, such fun! 

When I was a 4 year old kid I made friends with a squirrel. My Dad helped me out and encouraged me to lure him in with peanuts on the patio. Every day I’d place more, getting closer and closer to the door.  It worked and he became a daily visitor. I began sitting there watching him for hours, until finally I led him right up to me and he ate out of my hand! It was a magical moment for my curious 4 year old self. 

The same magic happened just the other day while at Campfire Lodgings, in Woodfin, NC. I was sitting under a tree, on a blanket which was surrounded by moss and little bits of forest droppings.

After 5 mins or so of meditating I opened my eyes to see a fluffy gray squirrel about 20 feet away.  I remained silent and calm and watched him with joy in my heart as he came closer to me.

I never expected him to come right up to me like he did. He was within a foot or so and just sat there looking into my eyes. I swear we were speaking to each other as we eye gazed. Then we both snapped out of it and he scampered off. Was a special moment that I’m very happy I was quiet and present enough to enjoy and appreciate. 

That is what the rain brings…quiet appreciation. It gives you permission to be still and do nothing. To take time to write or read a book or call a friend.  There is no place to go or nothing that needs to be done outdoors. You are free to enjoy the peace and tranquility of the rain falling. As well as it brings about gratitude for the water and the growth that will result from it. Also feels so cleansing! 

But like all things in life, balance is required. The sun returning is a joy and brings new energy after a few days of rain. Any longer and there is too much rain, energy starts to deplete and you urn for the feel of the sun’s fiery glow again.  Just like living in the green wet forest, eventually I feel the draw of the hot dry desert again calling me back to re-energize and dry out. 

This is the true benefit of being nomadic… you can live in balance in nature for extended periods, through all the seasons, and your own cycles. You become friends with all the elements and appreciate each of them because you eventually will be without one or the other for a period.  As you tire of the dry heat, move to the cool mountains. If the desert wind bothers you, move to a sheltered forest. You can never tire of any one element as you move from one place to another, appreciate them all and the contrasts they bring. 

Please share in the comments what type of environment you like living in? Desert, mountains, forests, etc and why?

Do you like exciting sunny days or quiet rainy days? Where would you live if you could live anywhere?

Let your mind dream!

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4 Responses

  1. Laurice Cormier says:

    Love reading your write ups Tanya, very interesting, Hope you are enjoying your time down east. Looking forward to reading all about that.

    • SoulWheelin says:

      The east has been wonderful! Enjoying the contrast of the thick clouded rainy days to the brilliant sunny ones. See you soon!

  2. Line says:

    My favourite is forest and river.

    I love the forest for its lush and quiet serenity. For the feeling you have of being alone and in private surroundings. For being able to watch the birds and wildlife scampering through it. For listening to the messages of the trees. They have so much to say.

    I love the river because it is always flowing. It teaches us how nothing is ever the sam or static. It teaches us that around some curves we may find shallows and around another there may be water flowing through rocks. It teaches us that no matter what we encounter on our path, if we remain like water we can flow through or around it.

    I especially like both the river and the forest in the fall when they dress in their flamboyant colours to celebrate the end of a summer prior to going into their dormant and restorative phase.

    There is just so much to learn from nature and the elements if we just take the time to quietly contemplate and listen!

    Thank you for sharing your adventures and learnings. I look forward to reading them every time.

    • SoulWheelin says:

      Wonderful Line! So thrilled to hear you enjoy them and reflecting on the wonder of nature too! See you soon dear friend 🙂